14 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day as a Single Woman
  1. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. How many people have I heard say that they dread this day designated for lovers? They say that they feel like the world is built for couples and not for singles, and this day just highlights the face that they are alone.

I guess I have had a differing opinion. I think there are so many meaningful relationships in our lives, other than romantic ones. I am so thankful for the strong expanding network of amazing people in my life. I really believe that many of our most important relationships are our close girlfriends, our family members, even our work buddies. I have girlfriends who have outlasted my marriages, they have been there when I was raising my girls.

Our primary relationship , however, is the one we have with ourselves. We need to treat ourselves with the respect and dignity that we would want others to show us. I tell my students, respect has to be earned, and when it is lost, it is a hard thing to build again. That works with our relationship to ourselves too. When we use derogatory language about ourselves, when we highlight our failures, when we continually break promises that we have made to ourselves, we find our self-esteem and self-respect in a downward spiral.

Learn to love yourself, no one will ever give you what you can’t give yourself.

So if you are not in a romantic relationship this Valentine’s season, celebrate it anyway. Here are 14 ideas that I came up with, I’ll bet you can think of others.

  1. Spend time with friends – Instead of feeling sad or lonely, why not spend some quality time with friends. Go out for dinner, watch a movie, or have a game night, have a pajama party with some of your besties.
  2. Take yourself out – Treat yourself to something special – like a massage, a manicure, or a nice dinner.
  3. Pamper yourself – Take some time to relax and pamper yourself. Have a bubble bath, take a nap, or do some yoga.
  4. Go on a day trip, or an overnighter– Explore a nearby town or city, or take a drive out to the countryside.
  5. Plan a movie night – Invite some friends over and watch some romantic movies or comedies.
  6. Host a potluck – Get together with friends and have everyone bring their favorite dish. Or we like theme nights, like everyone brings a pizza, or Mediterranean dish.
  7. Buy a surprise for that special little kid in your life. Use this day to build relationship with that special young person in your life. As a teacher I see the monumental difference that adult involvement has in the life of kids.
  8. Buy yourself a gift – Buy something for yourself that will make you happy. (I love new journals, skin care items or shoes.)
  9. Inspire yourself with hobbies– Use this time to learn something new or take up an old hobby. Walk through a Michael’s, or other craft or art store. I love going through fabric and yarn stores for inspiration.
  10. Do something special for someone else – Make someone else’s day by doing something special for them. Do you have a single friend who is feeling lonely this season? Do you have an older relative that might be struggling with loss this time of year? How about a married friend, who might be feeling even more lonely than you? Anyone will love a bunch of flowers or some homemade cookies packaged up in beautiful cellophane.
  11. Make a salon appointment and freshen up your hairstyle, or book a massage, manicure, or facial.
  12. Take the day to do something you’ve always wanted to do, but you’ve been putting off because of your busy schedule. Tour that art museum or antique store or cafe that you have always wanted to visit.
  13. Make something special for yourself, like a special meal or frame some photographs.
  14. Spend your day helping those in need.- Get together with a group of friends and volunteer at a local charity or organization. Giving back to the community is a great way to show love for others.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be lonely. That is a choice. When you do something nice for someone, even yourself you will feel better about yourself and the world.