So, I did a thing. After 26 years teaching in the public school system, I have decided that it is time for a pivot. I have absolutely loved my time teaching high school students, but there are other things that I want to try.
Leaving the students will be hard, but the thing that is even harder is leaving the wonderful people I have spent my days with over the last 20 years, the other teachers and support workers. They have been the best.
I think if you read my blog, you have seen signs of me talking about making these changes, about being brave and embracing new opportunities.
To mark this time, I had my long hair chopped off, I have applied for new jobs, and I am in the process of organizing every room that needs to be organized. I am preparing myself for a new life. It feels like I am in that liminal space, that long anticipatory time that lies between before and after. I’ve been here before.