25 Ways to Turn Your House into a Home: Transforming Spaces with Personal Touches and Cozy Details

25 Ways to Turn Your House into a Home: Transforming Spaces with Personal Touches and Cozy Details

This morning, I was puttering around my home, I repotted a couple plants, moved some bric-a-brac, wiped down the table, and changed the table cloths. I picked up and organized the toys strewn about from a visit from my sweet grandbabies earlier this weekend. I thought about the comment that my grandson made, as I…

How Sleeping Affects Your Health

How Sleeping Affects Your Health

Danish apple pie chocolate cake tart bear claw. Sweet roll chocolate bar tart jelly cake chocolate. Sesame snaps marshmallow chocolate halvah apple pie cake. Muffin fruitcake topping cake biscuit bonbon jelly. Pastry macaroon powder toffee topping croissant liquorice toffee. Ice cream apple pie gingerbread halvah sweet brownie cookie powder. Gummi bears pastry chocolate marshmallow chocolate…