“The incredible gift of the ordinary!
Glory comes streaming from the table of daily life.”
–Macrina Wiederkehr-
A tree full of Angels (1988)
Have you ever said that housekeeping is boring? Sometimes routines are boring, but sometimes they are a lifeline. During this covid lockdown, many people talk about how they are struggling with depression. Their routines are upset, they stopped getting dressed and daily hygiene and exercise has fallen by the wayside. They stay in their pajamas all day and watch endless tv or refresh their Twitter feed.
Routines have a nice way of giving us a sense of calm, an easy stride to our day, where we move effortlessly from one thing to the next. We all crave the familiar.
Think about how nice it is to come home after a holiday, or business trip. It’s always fun to go away, but doubly so to come home to the familiar. When I walk into the door after an absence, I want to make a cup of hot tea (from a china mug) wipe down the counter top, pick up the broom and sweep my kitchen floor, then snuggle onto my couch with my sweet cat Charlotte, my journal and enjoy the smells, textures and comfort of the lovely home that I have made for myself.
A few years ago, I had a kitchen fire, and I had to move out for almost three months. Everything had to be boxed up and taken to a site to be cleaned while my whole house was painted and repaired due to fire and smoke damage.
During that time my pets and I were so blessed to be able to stay with my parents. I am so thankful for their patience and hospitality, but, I just wanted to go home, back to my house of dreams, back to my regular routines.
I found that my sleep patterns were off, my eating habits were off (I actually gained 12 pounds), I was running on everyone else’s schedule, and everything was just out of sync.
More than just getting back into my house, I needed the familiarity of my life. I wanted to make a cup of tea and quietly read a book cuddled on my living room couch. I wanted to get up just before dawn and walk the familiar path and watch the sky turn from black to pink to full day in just a few magical minutes.
I craved the ordinary; folding my laundry, changing my bed, hanging out a load of dish towels on the clothes line. When I come home from a day away, I want pick up a broom or puff up the throw pillows.
We all need fun, the excitement of new things, but I don’t believe we should ever underestimate the beautiful moments that we create for ourselves in our daily living.