Are you a goal setter? A list maker? I know so many people who seem so opposed to working from a list, and I am not sure why.

I know when I set goals, and tie them to daily actions, then cross them off as I complete them, I always feel a little more empowered; a little more in control of my life. I believe that the life that we are living today is the product of the decisions and actions that we made yesterday.

There are two different types of goals, OUTCOME goals, the type that have a definite completion. ie. I will get gas on my way home from work. These are the types of goals that have been associated with SMART goals. They are easily measured and ticked off upon completion.

The second type of goal is known as a PROCESS goal. This is the type of thing that we would put on our habit tracker. I will journal every morning.

Although we can tick it off, it is ongoing and is a behaviour that we can integrate into my life on a daily basis. There will not be a day that we would say, “this is done, I am done walking, journalling or cleaning my house,” because it is an ongoing practice.

The best goals feed our a vision of our ideal lives. When we set goals, rather than having an endless checklist of things that we could do, or feel compelled to do, they should feed into our bigger goals. For instance, I want to walk daily because my ideal view of myself is having a strong healthy body. I will clean and organize my home, because I want a beautiful space that nurtures my soul and is inviting to anyone who wants to come in.

When we do things that don’t seem to serve a greater purpose, we can ask ourselves if they are really necessary. I have written my five main goals for the month of May, all of them require daily commitment.

Goals for May 2023

  1. Walking- the weather is a bit warmer, and the days a bit longer. There is no reason to put it off, I will incorporate a 40- 60 minute walk into my day because, I am getting older and I want a strong healthy body.
  2. Nightly routine- I will create an evening routine where the house is tidy and all my dishes are away leaving the kitchen spotless for the next morning, because I love the sense of calm I get when I meet a day with nothing on my plate undone from the day before.
  3. Blogging challenge- This month I will write a blogpost every other day, because, I want to create a place where people can come and feel encouraged, like other bloggers/writers have done for me.
  4. Etsy challenge- This month, I will clean up my storefront, and add one item per week because I want to have a beautiful space to sell my products.
  5. Tidy and plant my summer garden- It is time to split some of my perennials, and create deer-resistant flower gardens along my driveway, because it has been my dream to create a beautiful yard that is a gift to those that pass by every day.

What are your goals for this month? Let me know in the comments below. I curate the comments, so if you don’t want them public, let me know, and I will keep them just between us.

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