After 20ish blog posts, that admittedly seem to be all over the place, I needed to sit down and identify for you, and for me, what My Little PInk Home is all about.
Primarily, it is about figuring out who we are and learning to spend every day in the fullness of that vision. Many times there is a difference between how I want to live and how my days are being spent.
There is nothing worse than the sense, that I have let myself down, that I haven’t lived by the standards that could give me a sense of pride and ease, every day.
I am talking about simple things like, the disappointment that I have bought flower bulbs with a vision of a beautiful spring and not getting them into the ground on time.
I picture my ideal morning lounging in a long white cotton nightdress, a journal, a lovely cup of tea and at least an hour to think about my day. I might even enjoy a few pages of a good book or a blog. Unfortunately, most mornings start instead a rush as I try and clean up last night’s supper dishes, and hurriedly pack for the day. This happens because I have not valued my vision.
These examples may seem small, but in the big scheme of things, they compound, and we live a life catching up from behind, instead of leading from the front.
I have done daring things throughout my life, I could never be considered a flower or princess. People who know me would never suggest that I have spent a life holding back, but I did. I am getting better.
If I were to disclose my inner self, I would have to admit to a sense of angst. I second guess my decisions, I tend to consult… a lot, before I step out and do what I knew to do before all the consultation.
When I painted my house pink…
When I painted my house pink, it was because I wanted to. I didn’t consult with people, I didn’t agonize about the virtues of painting it pink or leaving it a quiet, more acceptable colour. I just contracted a painter, and had it done. I absolutely love it.
I did it; I did it without second guessing myself.
I did it even though a few people around me were aghast.
I did it.
I did it, just because I wanted to.
That is enough.
My Little Pink Home is symbolic about living authentically; dancing to my own tune, so to speak. Most of us have a gap between the person we are and the person we dream of being. We hold ourselves back to satisfy other people’s ideal of how we should live our lives. We become smaller than we are to make someone else feel bigger. I want you to throw caution to the wind and be that person you dream of being. Right down to the colour of your nightdress. Who is the woman who lives in your house? Does she surround herself with things that give her pleasure?
In this blog, I want to share with you some of the things that I love. Not because I think that my way is best, it is to serve as inspiration for you to become your best self.
- I love the magic of making something out of nothing. I love thrifting, mending and repurposing. This is not because I feel poor, it is to reinforce a sense of enough. (Yes, I have been known to wash out ziplock bags and mend a favorites sweater that I have already worn more than 20 years.)
- I love the pride I feel when I keep promises to myself, and tick off the boxes of my daily to do lists; I love productivity, planners and worksheets, and will make them available for you if you want…
- I love making and controlling my own money.
- I love living a life of creativity, whether my canvas is making pinterest pins, writing, or making a beautiful meal or decorating my home for the season. This feeds my soul.
- I love dreaming, visioning, scripting, self-reflecting and listening to that little voice inside of me, who always knows the way. If I really want to listen, I walk. This is my spiritual practice.
- I love to spend time around strong women. The saying goes, that we are an average of the five people with whom we spend the most time. We share wisdom though our stories, strength through experience. We prop each other up through joys and sorrows. The women we spend time with pass around common books and podcasts. They share beliefs and values. They are my teachers.
- I love this time in my life, I am embracing my age. I have let my hair go gray, (Perhaps it is the physical equivalent of my pink home) and I love it. I am defining what it means to be an older woman and love the sense of confidence that aging brings.
- I am learning that the invisibility cloak that is handed to women during menopause can be both a blessing and a curse, and I will wear it when I want to … and only then.
I would love to hear your comments. If you don’t want them to be public, let me know and I won’t post it.